Friday, September 19, 2008

:D haiperrrr

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i was IM-ing my dear Jujups for a good 3 hours because i can't sleep and i never realised just how much i've missed that boy.
haha which also made me realise how we should never take the time spent with someone for granted.
things like spending half my day/night in his room doing absolutely nothing at all.
the magazines.
the music.
the movies.
mtvs in the blue room.
me falling asleep.
him warning me not to fall asleep.
late nights downstairs to take a break from studying.
lifts to college.
porridge at 4 in the morning.
ASOT nights on thursdays.
car rides.
kebab at broadway.
and many first times ;)

it was such a normal thing to do when we were in currie back then, i never thought i would have missed it so much.
but i like the fact that he's still in currie. makes things less different.
i had my best semester with you jujups and im glad you did too :]

MEANWHILE, TO CURE MY BOREDOM. (credits to suelynn)

Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
i'm not planning for it, but we'll see where life takes me(:

How many texts are in your inbox?
i dunno close to 300 or 400 i think? yea unlike suelynn, i keep a fuckin archive.
im the kind of person who will only start deleting messages in bulk when my phone tells me to.

When did your last hug take place?
should be one of the girls when i got home, if not it would be Anas at the tav.

Who was the last person you talked to?

Is the last person you held hands with attractive?
Well, yeh attractive enough i reckon.

Name one person on your top friends who is the most like you?
Uhm. Uhm. Uhm. Fuck brain jam. Uhm. Shit. Fogeddit cut me some slack it's 5.20am.

Do you get butterflies around the person you like?
Duh. Not butterflies. Fuckin birds. Huge birds. Uhm eagles. No the Pterodactyl. with fangs and long claws.

Will you get married?
Erps. i want a wedding? and a tiff & co wedding band. yeh the one that looks a little bit like a disco ball!

Have you ever been too drunk to remember a certain night?
Guilty as charged.

When was the last time you smiled?
before ending the convo with joopzie boy.

Does anyone like you?

Who was the first person you talked to today?
I IM-ed candice, then prolly talked to Farah before leaving the house.

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
brain jam. can't think of names.

What are you NOT looking forward to?
having to wake up in about 3 hours time. and PR journal. and the essay draft. and uhm my eyebags tmrw. well, today.

Do you plan on moving out within the next year?

Are you a forgiving person?
Yea but i'll admit i'll bitch at times. No i don't forget. Yeh youre in deep shit bitch. (and it rhymes too)

What's something you really want right now?
sleep, lots of sleep. no assignments. nice events. and money for nice events.

Have you ever kissed anyone named Michelle?
michellemichellemichelle miiiccchellllleeeeeeee. uhm. nope.

Who was the last person you drove with?
Well, i was in the PASSENGER SEAT with uhm, Farah? no wait. last night. uhm. muzafar! yeh in his new car. HE GOT AN AUDI Q7 3 MONTHS AFTER HE CRASHED HIS OTHER BRAND NEW CAR OGAYY!

How late did you stay up last night and why?
7am. because i am an insomniac in denial who always claims that i'm nocturnal like its the most normal thing in the world.

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Yeh. like LA or Cabo. or Hawaii or Amsterdam. or at the underpass opposite uni just to know how homeless alcoholics feel like.

When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
2-3 weeks ago. i wasn't like bawling and having asthma attacks just that i felt like shit and got hell paranoid and the tears wouldnt stop flowing. it's pretty funny actually. I was in the toilet sitting against the toilet door, Farah was taking a shower and Ham was taking a shit and they were both consoling me. And then i felt fine and got ready for dinner at Burswood like nothing ever happened.

Can you live a day without TV?
Yea. Duh. i've got the internet and my ipod, which can also connect to the internet so yes i am at a very secure place right now.

What is your ring tone?
close friends and special people get individual ringtones. for the record, it's Silence '08 (Niels Van Gogh & Thomas Gold Remix)

When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
don't rber because something/someone always makes up for it. if not i'll just get over it, it's not that hard.

Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you?
uhhuh. i shall not be cynical and think he/she/they meant it.

Do you still talk to the person you were dating 14 months ago?
uhm yeh.

Are you pregnant?
Yea. with twins. Thilly and Thally.

What did you do this past Saturday?
i stayed home to recover from thursday and friday night, then we dressed up and went to The Moon for dinner and then we came home and uhm, *it got blurry from there* but im pretty sure we did smth.

When is the next time you'll hug someone?
when someone decides to wake up.

Are you wearing anything on your feet right now?
Yes actually. a sex band which i managed to squeeze through my troll-like foot cz i got bored.

What are you doing this coming weekend?
random stuff but Ruby Room for sat night.

What do you want?
a minion to cook, clean, do assignments and go to school for me. basically i need a cute lookinng slave. emotionally challenged people need not apply.

What are you eating?

Who do you miss?
like right now? friends back home, family, jujups and uhm. yeh just em.

What is your mood?
Psychotic. im caught in a fine line between fatigue and hyperness. my brain's moving too fast for my body to handle.

Are you happy with life right now?
Sort of. i dont slit my wrists and hate the world or anything so i think it's pretty okay.

Who was the last person you texted?

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Uhhuh. or god just got bored.

First person under 'J' on your cell phone?


please brain, it's not funny anymore when i have no one to talk to. go to bed now i promise i'll layan you tmrw ogay?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

food for thought.

i was on the train back from uni and then i was thinking bout my last post.

mmmmppffft drugs are really alot like sex if you think about it.
both are tempting.
both provide short term enjoyment.
both might get you into rehab.

so you see to put it bluntly, as long as you don't sleep around and STD-fy yourself, it's cool.
same goes for the drugs; as long as you dont fuckin OD on the streets on a regular basis, you should be pretty alright.

for the record, no i am not glamourizing sex and drugs.

Monday, September 15, 2008


well you see the usage of recreational drugs such as marijuana is not such a taboo subject anymore.
what puzzles me though is how people assume or rather, judge someone by what they smoke,how much they smoke, how they get high, how they OUGHT to get high.

why do ethics come in the picture? is there seriously a right way to bong it? is it cool when you talk about The Rules of Smoking Pot?
is it necessary?

isn't getting high something personal? whether you do it socially because well, i dunno, you think that's the only way to fit in or even if you think that it really does help you gain deeper insight. or maybe you just like zoning out for the fun of it. truth is, no one owes anyone an explanation therefore no one is at place to judge.

it might seem a little hypocritical to be blogging about this but really, im not gonna remain nonchalant about it either.

am i a pothead?

does it really matter?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


okay so i get it i havent been blogging much.
i do feel bad bout the long hiatus but man i've been way to busy to start typing and typing and typing.
am on study break this week and it's fuggin awesome balls. 'cept for all the emails from my PR tutor.
fuck it's hard when you miss tutes for the tavern.
getting drunk with a bunch of people you absolutely adore defo seems tonnes funner than sitting down in a group discussion.

so im taking a drama unit this semester.
and it's the most different unit i've ever taken like i mean come on, you walk around this huge black room for an hour and a half,
randomly expressing themes.
and it's pretty kool you don't feel like a moron cz everyone's doing the same thing

basicially it was a fun but fucked up week for me larrr.
and i gotta buck up. and i will. i swear.
no really.
i'll try.
skrew yew at least im making an effort.
meanwhile i'll go back to sleep because i had this weird dream about me renting a baby from a carnival and then losing him and then looking for him again.
i kinda like it. not the losing him part, it's just that he was really cute.

heehee baby booth in a carnival. fantarztik.
Kids - MGMT